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Permeation Enhancer Testing with Andrew Day

Posted by: Andrew Day on Jan 8, 2020 9:52:00 AM



[Transcript] "Hello, Andrew Day back here in Tapemark laboratories. Today I want to talk about permeation enhancers and how we typically test them at Tapemark laboratories. Permeation enhancers are what used to make the drug for your API permeate through the skin for transdermal systems. The FDA and USP require that you quantitate those both for content uniformity of release and over stability. The problem is a lot of them are oils that have high boiling points, and they're hard to quantitate on something like an HPLC, so usually we use a GC to quantitate those permeation enhancers. Over time, we develop a trend for how those permeation enhancers change in the product and we can determine whether they're adequate for the finished product good. Thank you."

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